EVents 2023
Activities and Speakers Programme
Here you can keep up to date with all of our upcoming events, and for more info please contact us
*PLEASE NOTE* August, September and October Meetings will be held at St Peter and Pauls Church, St George's Walk, Standbridge Lane, Wakefield, WF2 7NR
Please note meetings and venues may change depending on restrictions
9th January Chris Powell (Cone Exchange) - Trash to treasure
13th February Les Jefferies - Adult social care
12th March Northern Gambling service
9th April AGM Jou Lumb - Foster caring
14th May FRIENDSHIP EVENING - VENUE St Peter and Pauls Church , Standbridge Lane WF2 7NR Frances Priest - Award winning ceramics artist
11th June Victoria - Notcutts Garden Centre
9th July Alison Moore- History of sweets and liquorice
13th August Perry Morton - First aid in the home
10th September Louise - Scarf painting
8th October
12th November Melissa Radway - Belly dancing
10th December Christmas event TBC